About Us

Where is Tower Grove Heights? 

Tower Grove Heights is bounded by Arsenal Street on the north, South Grand Boulevard on the east, Utah Place on the south and Gustine Avenue on the west. We are located just south of Tower Grove Park and within the Tower Grove South area.


  Role Name Email
President Shannon Heffernan Email
  President-Elect Lynne Casey Email
Rick Stein Treasurer Rick Stein Email
Secretary Sharon Angle Email
Membership Melissa Cosgrove Email
Past President Joyce Reese Email

The Tower Grove Heights Neighborhood traces its beginning to July of 1908. The Tower Grove Heights Neighborhood Association was formally organized in October 1987 and we obtained our nonprofit status in November 1987. Membership is open to all with an interest in our neighborhood, although voting membership is restricted to residents and businesses of Tower Grove Heights. We are on the National Register of Historic Places. Architects and builders of each building can be found in this document under the Neighborhood Association tab.

Our mailing address is P.O. Box 160069, St. Louis, MO 63116.

The purposes of our organization have remained much the same through the years:

• To enhance the lives of people in the area;
• To develop a sense of community pride by being part of and contributing to the neighborhood;
• To serve as a voice for residents in decision-making that affects us;
• To provide a means for residents to work together to maintain and improve the neighborhood; and
• To foster and encourage measures for improving our housing stock by strict application of existing zoning regulations.

Our executive board has five voting members—President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Secretary. Nominations for these positions are taken in October, and elections take place at our general meeting in November of each year.

We meet January through November at the Center for Divine Love (First Church of Divine Science), 3617 Wyoming (near S. Grand) on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:15 p.m. Our meetings are open to all, and serve as an information source on events and developments in our neighborhood and around the city. Come join us!

Tower Grove Heights Neighborhood Association values and seeks a diverse membership.  The TGHNA Board recognizes and values the importance of inclusion.